Name Songs


Name Songs are important. Not only do they help children feel welcome and included, but they teach that words and letters have meaning. 

In this blog I demonstrate how to use name songs for word study, modeled writing, interactive writing, and independent writing.

Here are the name songs in this blog:

  • "Round and Around is the Name of the Game"
    • This song incorporates motions that cross the midline.
  • "Hickety Pickety Bumblebee" 
    • This song helps teach suyllables.
  • "Do You Know This Friend of Mine"
    • The melody of this song piggy-backs on "Do You Know the Muffin Man"
  • "Oh, _____, We Love You"
    • You can get your own personalized recording of this song, with a customized digital book! Get your copy here.

Keep singing,


P.S. This blog first aired in the Early Childhood Global Mastermind Group. Huge thanks to Atul, Mar., and the gang.


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Please sign up here for the blog, which features songs, games, and literacy tips, as well as the pedagogy behind it all. Keep singing!