Sing into Reading: the Blog

Little ones love literacy.

Music is magic! 

Writing to Remember the Holidays


Holidays are precious times we want to remember. To help with memory consolidation, in addition to taking pictures, it is helpful to write about our experiences, and encourage our children to write as well.

Here are some of my favorite holiday writing prompts:

  • Holiday Wish List
  • Favorite Holiday Memory
  • Favorite Holiday and Why
  • Favorite Holiday Gift Given
  • Favorite Holiday Gift Received
  • The Best Part of (Name of Holiday) is ____
  • (Name of Holiday) is All About _______
  • Retelling a Favorite Holiday Story

"It's Holiday Time" is a song written by a student. He wrote about his holiday wish list, and also the best part of the holiday.

Even preschoolers can write about the holidays. Ask them one of the writing prompts above and then tell them to write about it. Hand them crayons and paper let them get to work. Then ask them to tell you about what they wrote, and transcribe their words. Encourage your children to write about the holidays and let me know how it goes.

Wishing you all happy...

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Encouraging Literacy: Raising Readers with Encouragement


Encouragement is having high, but attainable expectations, celebrating every success, and showing compassion in the face of failure.

In How to Talk So Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish write,  “Let us realize that, along with food, shelter, and clothing, we have another obligation to our children, and that is to affirm their ‘rightness.’ The whole world will tell them what’s wrong with them—loud and often. Our job is to let our children know what’s right about them.” (p.191) (I love this book. Their book, Siblings Without Rivalry is also excellent.) The world can be a discouraging place. Our homes don’t have to be. We can choose to encourage our children.

Let’s focus on progress, not perfection. Focus on the wins, employing a strength model vs. a deficit model.

Recognize your child as a reader. (Check out this blog:

When I...

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Teach Reading with LOVE


Get your free booklet, "Ten Tips to Teach Your Child to Read with Music and Love" here:

Do all things with love. This is my mantra. Especially when teaching or parenting, we want to do it with love and encouragement. When we lose our patience with children, that is discouraging. Facing discouragement puts someone in a state of dysregulation - which is not a state receptive to learning. Instead, if we want our children to be open to learning, we need to encourage them.

Parents in my membership receive a "Rosy Moment Visualization." In this guided meditation, I walk parents and guardians through a special memory of their child. Once this memory is solidified, you can breathe into it at times when you feel you are losing your patience. It is a tool I use to bring me back to encouragement and love.

How do you keep your patience and remain loving when you feel upset? What are your favorite ways to do all things with love? Let...

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Peaceful Holidays with Children


Holidays can be a crazy time. There is so much to do and just not enough time to get it all done. 

Let's face it, holidays don't always feel like a Hallmark show. Holidays can be stressful - especially with children.

I invite you to join me in deliberately stopping to breathe whenever you feel stressed.

No matter how much we have to do, we always have time to breathe.

Wishing you PEACEFUL holidays filled with love, joy, and music!

Keep singing,


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Teach Your Child to Read with Music and Love: Self-Assessment


In this Masterclass for parents and educators, I talk about how to teach your child(ren) to read with music and love. Then I guide you through a self-assessment, so that you can recognize and celebrate what you are doing well in building a loving literacy foundation for the children in your life. The self - assessment will also help you realize which habits you want to add to your routines. Finally, through habit-stacking, I can help you craft a schedule that fits your life. 

When we start the journaling, after my explanation, pause the video. You can find the journaling prompts here. Click "Make a copy." (Then you can rename the file in your own Google Drive account.) Then, when you are finished with your own self-assessment, resume the video.

Keep singing,


P.S. Enroll in the membership here:


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Slow Down


Sometimes you need to slow down so you can speed up again.

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Cherish the Rosy Moments

gratitude learning love Dec 10, 2020

You know those moments where you feel like you are in a Capra fim, and everything feels right? I call them "rosy moments." Cherish them.

I have two boys, 12 and 14. When I think back on their babyhood and when they were young children, I remember a few rosy moments. (And I remember a few "not-so-rosy-moments.") The rest is a wash.

When you find yourself in a rosy moment, cherish it. Write about it. Save it.

Cherish the rosy moments.

Keep singing,


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This blog is one you can share with the kids. 

I talk about choosing appreciation and gratitude.

Please join me November 27 at 11:30 am EDT for the Thanks and Giving Celebration, a free sing-along for kids and their grownups. Sign up here:

And here are some quotes on gratitude for the grownups:

Stephen Richards: “When you express gratitude for the blessings that come into your life, it not only encourages the universe to send you more, it also sees to it that those blessings remain.”

Todd Stocker: “Thankfulness creates gratitude which generates contentment that causes peace.”

Zig Ziglar: “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Henri Frederic Amiel: “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness...

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Sing Every Day


"I sing every day of my life.

I hope you do too."

Keep singing,


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Daily Read Alouds


Please read to your child every day. 

In this blog, I talk about three benefits of reading to your little one every day: literacy, learning, and love.

Keep singing,



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Please sign up here for the blog, which features songs, games, and literacy tips, as well as the pedagogy behind it all. Keep singing!